Friday, May 18, 2012

Preparation began

Many minor details were taken in order to plan for this trip.  With the much-appreciated help of LP, who planned the route, weekly training rides, and booked hotels along the way. 

Our bikes were shipped this week via FedEx ground for a 4-day travel time to The Jupiter Hotel in Portland, Oregon.  The cost was roughly 86$ per bike, not to shabby!

Since we will be driving from Portland to Crescent City where the ride will begin, I rented an SUV with a bike rack attached.  We'll have to wait to see if this will suffice. 

We also had to plan for the tail end of our trip.  Since we will live out of a backpack for 2 weeks, I couldn't possibly visit Napa without the proper attire, so we shipped our luggage to the Hotel Mark Twain in San Francisco, where it will be awaiting our arrival.  The cost was 31$, that’s cheaper than the airline fees btw.  

We are now all packed and ready!

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